Book covers and pages design

For the books below, I created book cover design and designed the layout. The goal was to create engaging book covers and make the layout nice and clean. I decorated the pages as well and made the design consistent for similar sections of the book.
Graphic Design
Book Layout Design
This is the first book I was working on with Kasey. The book reveals the secrets on the way to a healthy and balanced life. Balanced with your hormones ?

My Vibrant Morning
This book includes 30+ recipes from Kasey. I’ve come up with the common style for the recipe title, ingredients, and instructions. But there is not just text! Big images of the dishes made by Kasey make you go to the kitchen and start cooking asap! ?

Glowing Mumma
This book is a powerful guide to a nourished and healthy pregnancy. In this book, there is absolutely everything you should know about how to enhance fertility and bring a healthy little one into the world. Same here: I created the book cover design and the layout.